Official MediaTek Driver for Windows

How to install MTK USB All Driver

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On this page, you can find instructions on how to install MTK USB All Driver on Windows computer (this method can be used on computers running between Windows 7, 8, 8.1, 10 and 11).

Requirements: MTK USB All Driver supports Windows Computers running on x32 or x64 bit. The MTK USB All driver may or may not work on Windows XP and Vista computers.

Steps to Install MTK USB All Driver on Windows

  1. Download and extract the MTK USB All Driver on the computer. If you have already downloaded the MTK USB All Drivers, then SKIP this Step.
  2. USB Logo
  3. Once you have extracted the driver package, you will get the MTK_USB_All.exe file.
  4. MTK USB All Files
  5. Open MTK_USB_All.exe (double-click to open) to launch the Setup window:
  6. MTK USB All Setup Open
  7. Once the Setup Window is launched, Click on the Next Button:
  8. MTK USB All Next
  9. Click on the Agree button.
  10. MTK USB All Agree
  11. Click on the Install button.
  12. MTK USB All Install
  13. Once the installation process is completed, click on the Finish button to exit the Setup Window.
  14. MTK USB All Install Finish
  15. Restart the computer.
  16. Once the computer restarts, you can connect your MediaTek Smartphone to the computer without facing any driver connectivity issues.

Readme Once:

[*] Download Latest MediaTek USB Driver: If you are looking for the latest MediaTek USB Driver, then head over to our Download page.

[*] MediaTek Firmware: If you are looking for the official MediaTek Stock Firmware, then head over to the MediaTek Firmware page. is not affiliated or endorsed by MediaTek, Inc | Hosted on Hostinger, CDN by BunnyCDN

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